The easiest and fastest way to make money online is from your blog. Create a specific blog with interesting content called "Niche". A niche is a very specific subject that attracts more and more traffic/visitors to your blog. After creating a blog with a good niche, you can now start making money with your blog with Google Adsense. Google Adsense is a Google's program which, upon the publishers' choice, but mostly pays the blog publishers on the basis of Costs-Per-Click (CPC). That means Google will display Ads on your blog and when visitors view your blog, find any ads attracting and click on the ads, you will get paid! That's it.
Step 1
Create a blog with a good Niche. (If you don't have a blog yet and don't know how to create one, you can watch a video demonstration on how to create a blog at
Step 2
Go to Google Adsense and sign up an account there. You need your blog URL (address) to sign up. After you have signed up, wait for an approving e-mail from Google. Google then starts crawling to your site and view your content and if Google finds your content good for its ads (advertisements), you will be sent an e-mail confirming that you have been accepted to Google Adsense program.
Step 3
Okay, now sign into your blog. Then go to Layout --> Page elements --> Add page elements --> Add Google Adsense. After you add Google Adsense, you need to configure it to suit with the available space on your web page. Then choose the blend template because it makes your Google Ads look as if they were your articles too. Why choose blend template? Because most viewers tend not to click on ads if they know it's an advertisement. I don't know why either.
Now, view your blog and see whether the ads fit well in your blog background. It is proved by Google that the best location to display your Google Adsence Ads is between your posts so that they look more or less like your article texts. To do this, go to Layout --> Page Elements --> Click on Edit Blog Posts --> Click on Show Ads between posts.
Step 4
Now that you have Google Ads on your blog, you can expect to earn money from clicks. But, where can you get those clicks? Well, that's not an easy task to complete, though. You might have your own techniques of making your blog popular. My own experience is that I send out personal e-mail and use Yahoo! answer . The first technique doesn't seem to work well since i don't want to bother most of my friends and family with my own business. But, if you're braver than me, do it. It might work better than when i did it. However, the second technique does work! I spend half and hour a day answering question in Yahoo! Answer and leave a link to my blog at the end of my answer. This way, I got many backlinks from Yahoo! And, that's how i get my blog indexed and more traffic.
1. You can NOT write any words to prompt or encourage the viewers to click on any ads! Google will cancel your membership if you do so. You will only get paid if the visitors voluntarily and willingly click on Google ads.
2. Do not attempt to click your blog's ads by yourself or ask anyone to do so for you. Google has a sophisticated detecting system that can trace its members' activities on blogs and ads.